God the Whittler

I have this picture in my head of like a person whittling with wood and then like he blows all the dust and debris away and then a of sudden there’s this beautiful unique masterpiece. And tho one masterpiece may be very similar to another no one masterpiece is the same. God is the whittler we are the wood turned masterpieces. 

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One night as I laid in bed praying I had the thought...What would it be like to lay my whole body on the saviors chest? Maybe My body would be curled in a safe little cocoon. Or maybe I’d be sprawled out not a care in the world. I think it’d feel warm and so very cozy but I’d never get too warm. It’d be like laying on one of those temp adjusting beds but way way way better. I’d physically feel the love of God. His heart beat would beat against me. I would know without a shadow of doubt that I am His and he is mine… but I already know that… it’d be life giving. I’d never want to leave. He wouldn’t leave me alone in the van. He would keep me safe and loved and wholly and completely and beautifully me.